Sunday, April 13, 2014

April showers

 Hey "Bob" were back!
We totally missed the picture opportunity Saturday, but we saw a female Blue Heron with babies.  Bob was flying around and they hurried away which led me to wonder if he was being territorial or if congratulations were in order.  We hope they come back soon.

Ever have one of those days?  What I first thought was two males fighting and a female playing hard to get turned out to be a wee bit of a learning experience.  I yelled at David to look and said, they are fighting and getting so carried away they keep falling in the water.  Well, David let me know that was a male and a female and they were not fighting.......OH!  After all that commotion they landed on the bemini next to the Rum Runner and it looks like she is giving him a good bird chewing. 
I'm thinking he is sulking!
The large mouth bass were biting.  This is the second out of many.
 These little ducks would just pop up in the water and disappear just as fast. 

 This is Brady and the large mouth bass he caught.  David had fun fishing with him. Alex was catching fish as well but I didn't get a picture of him.  Next time he will have to come to the boat and let me get a picture.

Our weekend project was trying to put curtains on the windows of the Rum Runner.  David painted the frame and we purchased Marine vinyl.  We cut it to fit and added snaps.  You can see the old window to the left, this is a huge improvement.  Since the Rum Runner is a pilot house we want to be able to have complete visibility so the ideal of completely removing the curtain is perfect for us.  Every window is a different size so this was time consuming and will take one more day but it will be worth it.

I used drawer liner to be able to trace a pattern and mark the snap holes.
David hammering the snaps.

Pelican's were flying above as we worked.  Its a rough life at the lake.

Last project of the day, adding carpeting.  David removed the helm and I cut a pattern out of craft paper.  We were able to get it all in in one piece.  Total cost was less than $30.  This kind of carpeting fits snug and is thick enough to not have to worry about slippage which is important when sailing.
Today it is raining but we continue to do our have to projects, like clean out the bilge and find the source of a little leak.  We did find the George Foreman electric grill and made toasted roast beef sandwiches inside.  David is busy as a beaver during the breaks in the rain.  We will be heading soon but look forward to coming back as soon as we can.

Becki & David~Rum Runners Cove

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